12 Dec 2018

Introduction to Vue.js

What is Vue js?

Vue.js is actually a JavaScript framework with various optional tools for building user interfaces.In short, it’s a progressive framework for building user interfaces using HTML and JavaScript.

Why Vue js?

React and Angular are also available then why we should use Vue Js, well following are some cool reasons i prefer to use Vue js instead of using react or angular –

  • The tiny size of Vue: One of the great advantages of Vue js is its tiny size.The size of Vue js is 20-25 KB.
  • Easy to learn and create applications: The reason why Vue is getting popular is because of it’s easy to understand structure .User can easily create small as well as large-scale applications with Vue js.
  • Simple Integration: Vue js is also popular among developers because i facilitates them to integrate it with existing applications.This means it is useful to create new applications as well as altering pre-existing applications.
  • Detailed documentation and fast-growing community: The documentation with Vue.js is so comprehensive that any user who knows a little about JavaScript and HTML can develop his own application or web page.it also has the fast-growing community support.
  • Flexibility: It allows the user to write his template in HTML file, JavaScript file, and pure JavaScript file using virtual nodes. This flexibility also makes it easy to understand for the developers of React.js, Angular.js, and any other new JavaScript framework.
  • Two-way Communications: Vue.js also facilitates two-way communications because of its MVVM architecture which makes it quite easy to handle HTML blocks. In this respect, it seems very close to Angular.js which also speeds up HTML blocks.

In the end, we can say that Vue.js has clear advantages over all the earlier frameworks like Angular.js and React.js. In short, it combines the peculiar features of all the older frameworks.

Java Script Development

Getting started with Vue Js.

The easiest way to use Vue js is by adding the cdn link of Vue script in your application you only need add the following line of code in your application if you are new to Vue js.

<!– development version, includes helpful console warnings –>

<script src=”https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js”></script>


<!– production version, optimized for size and speed –>

<script src=”https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue”></script>

Creating your first application in Vue Js

Creating application in vue is quite easy and fun.Here is a common example of creating application in Vue.



<script src=”https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue”></script>



<div id=”app”>

<p>{{ message }}</p>



Var app=new Vue({



message:’Hello World’






That’s all you need for creating your first application in Vue js.You only need to write 10 to 15 line of code and your application is ready isn’t it fun?

Looking to build an app that makes an impact? Contact us here – https://www.vayuz.com/contact/

About Philomathes Jigyasu

Philomathes (pronounced as fillo-MAY-thus) is a fictional character at VAYUZ (https://www.vayuz.com), who is on a never ending journey called “LEARNING”. In a way, Philomathes embodies VAYUZ - Way of life, which is if you are not learning then you are not breathing. The word Philomathes, comes from the Greek roots philo and philein meaning "to love" and the Greek roots mathos (MAH-thos) and mathesis (muh-THAYSIS) meaning “learning”.Philomathes through his Blogs and Vlogs (Video Blogs) will share his experience, learnings and thoughts. In his tryst to learn and understand, he would also seek answers to questions. So if you would like to join him in this incredible journey called “ life” then feel free to write to him on philomathes.jigyasu@vayuz.com.Always remember, knowledge is all around us, we just need to keep our guards down and senses on.

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