Pink Shastra – Healthcare Startup dedicated to AYUSH way of life
By Pooja Chauhan in Healthcare
Today, Tuesday, 21st June 2016 when the world is celebrating International Yoga Day, its a day for double celebration for all of us. As the world practices and experiences the joys of Yoga, we bring to you India’s first healthcare platform completely dedicated to AYUSH way of life.
For those who are oblivious to the term AYUSH, it stands for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy.
Namaskar India !! Welcome to world of Natural Therapy.
Pink Shastra (, co-founded by Shubho Sengupta (a Digital Brand Wizard) & Dr. Aman Khera (a Health Care Management Expert), is a 100% natural, non-critical healthcare service that offers solutions to women (men too are welcome) with non-critical health issues. Pink Shastra promotes the AYUSH way of life that even the Govt of India is encouraging and supporting through the Ministry of Ayush (
Pink Shastra offers:
- Online consulting services through a panel of AYUSH experts who give general advice.
- The sale of 100% Natural Non-Prescriptive OTC items through India’s first ecommerce store exclusively dedicated to natural medicine.
- A generic knowledge platform for anyone interested in the AYUSH way of life.
With over 10+ healthcare categories ranging from skin care to hair loss to weight issues to addiction problems to stress & anxiety, Pink Shastra is your gateway to connect with AYUSH experts and find natural solutions.
I will probably leave it to the Cofounders to write another article about the benefits of natural therapy and how effective it is in reaching a state of “wholesome wellness” .
Guess who is mentoring?
Mr. Arvind Gupta with the Team
Pink Shastra team is being closely mentored and guided by none other then Mr. Arvind Gupta himself. An Eisenhower fellow for Innovation and the brains behind Digital and Social Media campaign for Prime Minister Modi during Elections 2014. Mr Arvind Gupta earlier used to lead BJP’s Technology Initiatives and is currently the CEO of Government’s ambitious project He is gungho about the entire concept and believes its an idea whose time has come.
Technology Integration
Still in early days, Pink Shastra is focusing on developing a seamless solution, which can be made largely accessible across India. The current solution stack empowers AYUSH experts with mobile apps so that they can handle online consultations on the go. Users will be moved to a mobile app economy in the near future.
Akhil (VAYUZ) giving a mobile app walk through to AYUSH Experts
As Cofounder of VAYUZ, its a moment of joy for all of us since we have seen the entire journey unfold and an idea translate into reality. As a Technology Partner, VAYUZ has worked hand-in-glove with Pink Shastra’s founding team to create and develop the entire eco-system. At this moment, I would also like to put in a special word for Akhil (Aki), who has spearheaded the development effort @ VAYUZ and has been largely responsible for the entire project coordination and management. A big thanks to some of the other unsung champs Shobhita, Aamir, Nitin, Abid and rest of the gang @ VAYUZ .
Left to right: Pooja (that’s me), Shubho, Akhil, Dr. Khera
These are early days and the system will surely have scope for improvements both from UX and functional perspective. So we invite you all to have a peek at Pink Shastra and write to us on with your suggestion and feedback.
We value your opinion and look forward to all your suggestions to make Pink Shastra deliver wholesome wellness through natural therapy.
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